Thursday 7 February 2008

Khutbah Jumaat

Salam semua

Hari ini hari terakhir wa berniaga nasi untuk minggu ini.­ Alhamdulillah target wa tercapai.­ Fuhh it's really a hard earn money.­ But I'm more than happy.­ We have got to move on.­ And Insya Allah my new target is GBP100.­ Actually, our sales for this week is more than GBP100.­ Hopefully, it's not that hard to reach my target next week.­ But I got a problem hi hi hi.­ Maybe next week I have to stop selling nasi for a while, because, Mak and Bak wanna go and visit Dol in Preston.­ And it's a school holiday, makes it more diffucult for me to do business.­ awww that's why you have to know what you are doing in business, so that you can work on your own.­

Mak's cooking really like a kampung taste.­ That's why many Malaysian support her.­ They feel like they are living at home.­ Furthermore, other nation also like Malaysian cooking now.­ Ergh.... what I'm gonna do next week.­

Today is Friday.­ This week I attend Jumaat Prayer at the University.­ Feels like a university student.­ I get to know more student from different nation now.­ You know what, all of them think that my age is below 30.­ Baby face, hak hak hak.­ Is it true? Well maybe, so I need to pretend that it's true.­

In the khutbah, Imam bring us to the word Ihsan means Excellence.­ Allah make everything with excellence.­ And ask us to do excellence.­ But now there is no excellence comes from Muslim world.­ We are excellence long time ago.­ We can claim that previously we are excellence.­ But actually we should feel very sad to say that long time ago we are excellence.­ It is like saying that yesterday, I'm very fit, I'm a good football player, I can walk, I can fly to a different country, only today I'm weak.­ Please look at my previous time.­ Actually it's a sad thing to tell something good previously when at the present time we lost everything.­ It's a sad thing to remember that long time ago we have eye when we are blind today, it 's a sad thing to remember that we can walk but now we don't have a leg.­ We should also very sad to tell a story that we are at a peak of excellence when we don't have anything to claim excellence today.­

Imam say there is no Muslim country that can be describe as excellence, except Malaysia, Malaysia is an excetptional.­ Wooops ! ! ! I'm shock.­ It's like a good wake up.­ hi hi hi really they look Malaysia as a very good Muslim country.­ In my head, yes they are right in macro, but not in micro.­ But keep it up Malaysian.­ I know you can do it.­

At one time when Denmark make a joke of Nabi Muhammad saw, all Muslim around the world, wake up, and say we will boycot Dennish product.­ It's a sad thnig also when we only can say we wont buy your product, why can we say we won't sell our product to you?.­ It is because we don't have any product that considered excellence to sell to them.­ Who, in the world refuse to buy a mercedes benz, bmw, volvo if they got money, and the reason why behind it are, these are an excellence car maker on the planet at this moment that no Muslim country can produce.­

Lu tak minat ke kete ni. Wa minat beb kete kete macam ni, sikit pon wa tak tipu lu

Well ladies and gentleman, it's a big company, but we also can't settle the cooking oil problem when we are supposed to be the biggest cooking oil producer in the world, shhhhh ! ! ! and that's also not produce by a Muslim.­ It's very funny, we are weak.­ If we can accept that we are weak, then we can focus on our weakness.­ The problem is when we don't realise that we are weak, and pretend that we are good, a great leader, we achieve nothing except a failure nation, a corrupt ummah

Musim dingin dah nak berakhir, tak lama lagi masuk musim bunga.­ Sekarang ini putik putik bunga dah mula tumbuh.­ Sungguh asyik melihatnya. Kalau sebelum ini, hanya rumput yang ada, sekarang ni, tanpa terlihat ada tukang kebun, bunga tu tumbuh di celah celah rumput hijau. Very the asyik melihatnya perkembangannya.

Dengar kata, setiap tahun salji akan turun agak lebat di Birmingham ini, sebelum masuk musim bunga.­ Dah beberapa hari ini, selalu ada matahari.­ Jalan sikit pon dah mula berpeluh.­ Kalau dulu wa mandi 2-­3 hari sekali, sekarang ni tiap hari mandi, dan hari ni, 2 kali sehari sebab berpeluh.­ Dah mula rasa wa perlu minyak wangi.­ Jadi wa pon beli 2 botol minyak wangi di car boot sale dengan harga GBP5. zasssss ! ! !

Kerusi ni telah pon berada di sini sejak 1905. Wa belum lahir lagi. Wa juga yakin kebanyakan yang baca blog wa juga belum lahir lagi. Ada sesuatu yang perlu kita ambil iktibar. Lu all rungkaikanlah sendiri apa yang tersirat. Moh pikior sikit. bior otak tu berjalan.

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